2013 Matches

2013 Matches:

Studio Artist Veronica Cianfrano & Tori Adamo, Painting/Drawing '15

Jennifer Schick of PHAIR & Sydney Andrews, Multidisciplinary '14

Studio Artist Kay Healy & Tim Martin, Animation '15

Kay Healy & Monica Morris, Sculpture '15

Studio Artist Michele Kishita, & Alexandra Coultas, Painting/Drawing '14

Michele Kishita & Phillip Mastrippolito, Painting/Drawing '15

Nicolette Marinos of Sandbox Studios & Morgan Beye, Photography '15

Friday, July 12, 2013

Studio summer cleaning

Studio Summer Cleaning

Because Michele has been making a lot of new work this summer, her studio had become pretty cluttered, and she just couldn't take it anymore. So last Monday, she brought a large shelving unit with her to the studio which she had Philip and I put together and organize. At first we had to do a lot of sorting, because as many know, when one is constantly creating new work, it is easy to get unorganized and start losing supplies. While I was organizing raw canvas and bags upon bags of miscellaneous supplies, Philip was doing a great job cleaning up the paint cart. 

Once Philip and I had finished sorting everything (putting the nails with the nails, glue with the glue, etc) it was time to start setting up all of these categories onto the shelves. Large wall paint went on the bottom shelf,  the second shelf contained silver and gold leaf, collage paper (which Philip had sorted according to color!), various sizes of canvas board, along with some other things. The third shelf was the most accessible for Michele and I's height, so there I put things that she and I most commonly use, such as frog tape, painting tape, a bunch of different types of glue, among other things. The fourth shelf  was strictly for canvas, whether it be canvas scraps, long pieces, or wide pieces, which I had organized according to size. 

At the end of the day I was very satisfied with the outcome, I enjoy organizing and can typically only work in clean spaces, and Michele seemed very pleased. All that is left to organize will be the loft in Michele's studio, which will definitely be happening in the next couple of weeks! 

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