2013 Matches

2013 Matches:

Studio Artist Veronica Cianfrano & Tori Adamo, Painting/Drawing '15

Jennifer Schick of PHAIR & Sydney Andrews, Multidisciplinary '14

Studio Artist Kay Healy & Tim Martin, Animation '15

Kay Healy & Monica Morris, Sculpture '15

Studio Artist Michele Kishita, & Alexandra Coultas, Painting/Drawing '14

Michele Kishita & Phillip Mastrippolito, Painting/Drawing '15

Nicolette Marinos of Sandbox Studios & Morgan Beye, Photography '15

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Setting up pre-college 7/28-8/1

When first arriving to Hamilton Hall with Michele on Tuesday, we first needed to map out the spaces. We started by measuring each room, and making sure each student was given 55 inches (across) for their pieces. After we finished taping the foyer of Hamilton, Michele had to go teach, so while she was gone I finished marking the spaces in the rest of Hamilton. 

By the time Michele returned, she started putting up the artist statements while I started taping up the wall, as level as I possibly could, this was a tedious job to say the least. 

(Making sure each piece of tape was level.)
I hadn't even gotten through half of the taping I needed to, and realized that I had to leave for my summer class, but lucky enough one of Michele's students Nigel, had walked by and said he wouldn't mind finishing up with Michele. 

(Nigel did both catwalks)

(After I finished taping up the foyer of Hamilton.)


On to day 2....

After Nigel and I finished up taping, the students were able to come and start hanging their work on day 2. Michele had asked Philip and I to stand watch and make sure that they were putting their work up in a level and professional fashion. Their pre-college professors were already there, so we moved on to spackle and paint all the walls of the catwalks (which were in TERRIBLE shape.)

So Philip and I began spackling the walls, when on the other side of the catwalks the graphic design students began putting up their work, which was no problem we would just spackle and paint around them. 
During this time of spackling and painting we were also asked to find 5 more pedestals for the ceramics the pre-college students were going to show. This was a serious process, I never realized how precious pedestals were to all students and faculty at UArts, so Philip and I were running around, asking different people for keys to different storage rooms and offices, after searching for a while we were lucky enough to have sculpture let us borrow 5 pedestals.

After spending the rest of day 2 painting, it was once again time for me to go to my summer class. 

On to day 3...

The reoccurring task for day 3 was to make sure all of the student's art work was level. Unfortunately most of their pieces were cut un-evenly, which made this task much harder. 

A painting student's finished set up. (Note the un-even paper.)

More of the painting student's work. I was very impressed by the talent all of these students had!

Obviously not level....

The piece above was one of my favorites out of the entire show. These young students really got to explore in a bunch of different mediums. Both Michele and I were very impressed by these finished experimental photo pieces. I asked one of the students about this process and how it was done, I think I'm going to give it a try. 

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